Thursday, February 24, 2011

i thought it was me

bel biv devoe in 2011. this is for real.
the dprs started because of bbd. that is for real.

Friday, February 18, 2011

cats are scared 70% of their lives

Overall a successful mix session in the batcave. Worked on 'I Gotta Know'...drums, guitars, vocals all sounding a change in direction for the chorus...kinda digging it....definetely some new life.

Fooled around a bit on 'Sixties Gold'. Some weird 'moog' sounds added to the front and intro confused G on many levels, probably best to remove it. While the track is a band fav I'm not sure it's going to make the cut. Not that it's not on par with the rest of the album material, it just doesn't fit with the rock, psych, garage shiz...same thing with 'Ambers'. I will defend it as one of the best pop songs to be created in the last 3 years, but it too just wont fit. Maybe we will sneak it in as a b-side, or something you can find on our internet website..

Some recent developments due to this session surfaced that a fourth new track may be recorded....more on that later.

ben's back,
engineer/producer/sensitive soul monitor, a very patient man having to listen to G and I argue about recording vocals standing up or lying down in a sandbox.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Starting Tomorrow

We are back to working on the album. We will be documenting the entire process from this point all the way up until the album release party....and perhaps you may even be able to visit us live....we'll let you know.....

Now for something completely different